Hari Balakrishnan

Address: 32-G942, MIT CSAIL
The Stata Center
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
firstname followed by at csail mit edu

I'm the Fujitsu Professor in the EECS Department at MIT and lead the Networks and Mobile Systems group at CSAIL. My research is in the area of networked computer systems, with current interests in networking, sensing, and perception for a world of mobile, sensor-equipped devices connected to services running in the cloud or the network edge. My past work has contributed to mobile and sensor computing, wireless networks, Internet architecture (congestion control, routing, network security), overlay and P2P networks, and data management (stream processing and secure databases). Short bio.

In August 2021, I received the ACM SIGCOMM award for "lifetime contributions" and was invited to give a keynote at the conference (as is tradition), which is on YouTube. The talk, titled "Mind the App!" was about how applications have inspired several of my research projects on mobile and wireless systems, resilient networks, and congestion control.

My papers and group's software.
My older (pre-1999) older papers and software.

Current Research

Recently Completed Projects

Some past projects include: CarTel, Spinal Codes, CryptDB, Snoop (wireless TCP), Congestion Manager, Cricket, RON, Chord, Migrate, INS, Medusa / Borealis, internet routing / rcc, Infranet, SFR, Divert/MRD, DOA, DQE, speak-up, AIP, anomaly detection, HRDB, Wavescope/Wishbone, SoftPHY protocols (SoftRate, MIXIT, conflict-map MAC) AirBlue cross-layer experimentation platform, Relational Cloud (a database-as-a-service for the cloud, incl. Kairos)


In Spring 2016, Sam Madden and I are teaching a new hands-on course on Mobile and Sensor Computing (6.S062).

Selected Honors

Students & post-docs

Commercial activities

Personal information